Saturday, January 23, 2010

An Exclusive referral campaign, on 30th January 2010 (Saturday)

An Exclusive referral campaign, on 30th January 2010 (Saturday)
Sapna Trade Center (STC), Chennai

for the following skills
Mainframe (COBOL / CICS / JCL / DB2)

Experience : 3 yrs to 8 yrs
Work Location : Chennai / Hyderabad / Noida
AS 400 / RPG 400 / COBOL 400 / CL / ILE/ Synon

Experience: 3 to 7 yrs
Work Location: Chennai / Noida
Requesting all of you to actively participate in this by referring your friends / acquaintances
Send their updated resumes to below mentioned SPOC’s ...
For Chennai - / For Hyderabad -